Middle East Expat Cost of Living Comparison Rankings August 2016

Abu-Dhabi in the UAE is the most expensive city for expats in the Middle East, followed by Beirut. Dubai and Doha are third and fourth respectively, while Manama has dropped to 10th most expensive in the Middle East, having dropped to 316th most expensive in the world. Damascus is the cheapest city to live in.

While Abu-Dhabi is the most expensive city in the Middle East, it is only ranked 93rd in the world. In Abu-Dhabi housing, education and recreation and culture costs are very high. Similarly Dubai has dropped to 110th most expensive in the world.

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Xpatulator.com is a website that provides international cost of living information and calculators that can help you determine cost of living indexes, cost of living allowances, salary purchasing power and international assignment packages to compensate for cost of living, hardship, and exchange rate differences.
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